
Modesta Real Estate represented at the 2018 Grand Ball of the Austrian Real Estate Society in Vienna

von Modesta Real Estate - 18. Feb 2018
MG Real Estate GmbH

On February 1, 2018, the ball of real estate industry took place for the 13th time in the Vienna Hofburg –  there the who-is-who of the real estate industry have the opportunity to meet – and with up to 3,000 guests, it is now one of Vienna’s traditional balls.

With the ticket purchase, the association BONsurpise is supported with their project “Your family is with you – the BONsurprise apartment.” This initiative helps critically ill children and their families.

Among the guests at the ball were also some colleagues of the Modesta Real Estate team, such as Andreas Polak-Evans, SIOR (Managing Partner), Sascha Gutmann, B.Sc. (Industrial & Commercial Real Estate), Chiara Mai, B.A. (Office Real Estate) and Sarah Renzl (Marketing & Communications).